
Sports physiotherapy for increased daily comfort. We help you reach your goals, and so much more…

A premium support

Our holistic approach to physiotherapy

We aim to offer high-level, efficient physiotherapy to all and believe the best physiotherapy treatment should not be exclusively reserved for top-level athletes.


Whether you need pain relief, healing, or pain prevention, our demanding nature, expertise and cutting-edge equipment allows us to offer you the best in physiotherapy treatment, on a par with the treatments provided to athletes. We can even help you reach your sports and personal goals.

No limit

Our holistic approach to physiotherapy

Our motto: be more than physiotherapists. Our offer includes sports physio-massage, osteopathy, conditioning, and a range of other techniques, such as dry needling, to efficiently deal with your health issue.


Regardless of your injury, pain, or identified health issue, we take your entire body into account, including your daily life and environment, and offer you a combined individual and general treatment plan.


In pratique, this means…

We carry out a one-hour fitness test for each patient to establish a customised treatment plan and provide individual support until the goal has been met.


Fitness test

The fitness test is carried out in 6 steps and is the perfect opportunity for you to explain your needs, share your concerns, explain your main, even ultimate, goal to us and get to know us.

This session is vital because it allows us to establish the best treatment plan for you, it also helps you to get behind the suggested rehabilitation plan and makes you feel as confident as possible.


One-to-one: you and your physio – that’s it

You’ll never be left on your own! We are sticklers for individual sessions only and your assigned physio will be 100% concentrated on you throughout your entire treatment programme.

And, because two heads are better than one, a second physio may join your physio as a back up to help come up with the best approach possible and offer you more sessions. From the beginning to the end of the treatment, your progress is quantified, digitalised and analysed for the best monitoring possible.

Each individual has different physiotherapy needs

Sports physiotherapy

Don’t let your health issues affect your performance.

Injury rehabilitation


Whether you regularly, or infrequently, practice sport, practising any sports activity comes with a risk. Our sports physios will help you safely rehabilitate or return to athletics and enable you to gradually start your training again.


Sports conditioning


Start with a fitness test and let our specialists help you to prepare your sports season, take up a new sport or get back to sport after a break.


Prevention and recuperation


Consolidate your rehabilitation with physiotherapy, prevent injury or improve how you recover after training with osteopathy sessions and massages.


Dry needling


This treatment is infrequently used in France for the moment but it ticks all the boxes – especially for athletes – in relaxing contracted muscles. Our specialists have taken dry needling training in France and Switzerland and will be able to relieve you with this innovative technique.


Physiotherapy for women

Get your body back, for ultimate daily well-being.

Urogynecological rehabilitation


If you have just had a baby then it’s high time to rehabilitate your perineum if you want to avoid post-partum issues such as pelvic pain, prolapse and incontinence. After these sessions you will be able to follow up with abdominal exercises.


Aesthetic physiotherapy


Say goodbye to heavy legs, cellulite, scars, ageing skin and weight issues with Cellu-M6 endermology techniques, Tecar therapy, massage and conditioning.


Physiotherapy/Massage for pregnant women


Massage will relieve your sore back or heavy legs during your pregnancy. Why wait any longer?


Physiotherapy during and after breast cancer*


Physiotherapy sessions will help your post-surgery scars to heal, relieve pain and make your shoulder as mobile as it was before with gentle conditioning.
*We do not treat lymphatic oedemas.


Physiotherapy for all

Live free from the pain which restricts your daily life.


Anyone one of us can become injured, develop a musculoskeletal disorder or health issue which can make daily life difficult.

Come and see one of our physios now to get back on track.

We make your health issue our problem

Our cross-sectional expertise and the taste for challenge means that we are able to handle a range of health disorders. We put in 100% so that you put in 100% and meet your goals.


Sports physiotherapy

Joint impingement (shoulder, patellofemoral joint, etc.)
Muscle damage (hamstring, calf, quadriceps, etc.)
Tendinopathies bursitis (rotator cuff, Achille’s tendonitis, tennis elbow, etc.)
Sprains (ankle, knee, etc.)
Sports hernia
Osgood-Schlatter, etc.



Shoulder: acromioplasty, bankart, latarjet, prosthesis, etc.
Elbow: arthrolysis
Hand: carpal canal, fracture
Knee: ACL (knee ligamentoplasty), meniscectomy, tibial plateau contusion, etc.
Ankle: alcaneal fracture, ruptured Achille’s tendon, etc.


Musculoskeletal disorders

Shoulder: impingement syndrome, bursitis, tendinopathy, etc.
Back: discopathy, herniated disc, neuralgia, etc.
Knee: patellofemoral joint impingement, tendinopathy, etc.
Neck: headache, neuralgia, etc.
Elbow: epicondylitis, etc.
Wrist: carpal canal, etc.
Calcaneal spur



Post-training and post-competition recovery
Customised physiotherapy massages
Relaxation for optimal self-healing: reduce muscular tension and fatigue, increase mobility and flexibility
Muscle relaxation
Musculoskeletal alignment

Our equipment

Cutting-edge equipment

Because there are times when humans need machines and because we only want the very best for our patients, especially when it comes to the equipment you use, we only chose the best options available.

Natty SoCurly
Natty SoCurly
Une équipe de professionnels de la santé expérimentée, à l'écoute, polyvalente, extrêmement bien formée avec des domaines d'expertise pluridisciplinaires pour une prise en charge globale de votre problématique. Un programme de rééducation personnalisé, progressif et et adapté, un réel suivi... et puis quelle bonne humeur ! Quelle bienveillance ! On en oublie presque pourquoi on y vient ! Merci ! Je ne vous lâche plus :-)
Kevin Castel-Arzu
Kevin Castel-Arzu
Équipe très professionnelle et très compétente. Super accompagnement et rétablissement rapide. Je recommande sans hésiter.
danny camus
danny camus
Des Super kine efficacité assuré .
Inès Mezni
Inès Mezni
Excellent accueil et équipe très professionnelle, je recommande !
Mélanie Lyon Lynch
Mélanie Lyon Lynch
Super équipe très pro ! Équipements de qualité ! Et très bon accompagnement pour les blessures liées au sport. Je recommande vivement..
Suite à une luxation de l'épaule, j'ai choisi Kiné kleber sur les conseils de mon orthopediste. Il m'a dit: fais tes séances avec eux et ton épaule sera un vieux souvenir. Vincent a été particulièrement attentif à ma blessure. Il a commencé par analyser ma morphologie et comparer les degrés de libertés de mes deux épaules. Au long des 20 séances, il a construit un planning clair (10 séances pour regagner de la mobilité et 10 séance pour réathlétiser). Autant dire qu'au début j'avais peur que toiut cela ne serve à rien vu la douleur atroce que je ressentais dans mon bras avant ma 1ère séance. au fil du temps, je redécouvrai la vie sans douleur, je rebougeai mon épaule de plus en plus et à la fin j'étais capable de refaire de la presse épaule et des tractions et cela sans aucune gêne. Vincent a su être à l'écoute à chaque séance et ciblait en fonction de mon ressenti certaines zones. Je recommande vivment ce cabinet consituté d'une équipe super motivée et qui adore son métier.
Eurecape Eurecape
Eurecape Eurecape
Voilà finalement un cabinet de kiné professionnel, sérieux et bien équipé. Le cadre est très professionnel, décontracté et les kinés sont très appliquée et à l’écoute du patient. Après 3 ans de galère avec une arthrose à plusieurs niveaux, je retrouve une vie quasiment normale après seulement quelques séances avec un des kinés du cabinet. Merci Franck !! Ivana
Claude Sztykman
Claude Sztykman
Cabinet très performant Des Kine vraiment à l’écoute et présents tout au long de la séance Ils nous poussent dans nos retranchements pour nous faire progresser et c’est un plaisir de voir les résultats Merci pour ces cessions de renforcement très efficaces Vincent est au top
A few steps from the Eiffel Tower
& Opening
Opening times

Monday to Friday : 7:30 – 22:00
Saturday : 8:00 – 19:00

Our address

65 avenue Kléber, 75016 PARIS


Here you will find articles about our different practices and methods but above all: our holistic vision of the
of the physiotherapist / osteopath profession.



About 4% of people are affected at some point in time. Osgood–Schlatter disease causes…



Relative contraindications for the use of lymphatic pump treatments include fractures, abscesses or localized…

La Kinésithérapie

La Kinésithérapie

In addition to clinical practice, other aspects of physical therapist practice include research, education,…
